Wednesday, 5 March 2014


9 tips when writing music for films.

1. Network, communicate, keeping up with the contacts.
Always keep your eyes and eyes peeled for new music opportunities, if your a writer, Dj or composer always keep yourself in range of film creator as copyright can cost a lot for directors and if your there to hand then you can be doing very well in the music market and have your music in films and this will also pay well.

2. Know what the film director wants.
Always listen carefully to film directors and what ort of music they want in their film so you can go away and create that piece of music or similar and if its to there liking you have made yourself some money and marketing.

3. Ask for references materials.
Ask the director for any song that they like or would like any genres similar to that as it will make it easier for you to get an idea of what they want, but just use this as a guideline to what to create not to copy and pass of as your own will minor difference.

4.Make sure you have the right gear.
When creating a piece of music for a film director make sure that you have the right equipment to suit what they want for example if they wanted a sound of a live and it wouldn't be much good to recreate sounds using music software or of music library's because your not giving the director what they really want.

5. Be original
If you are not original they you will not stand out from the crowd and in the directors mind. Do not try to recreate and already known piece of music with just some differences because that will not satasfy the director and might not want to use your piece of music.

Try to experiment with different types of music genre, beats and sounds so that you give off a wide rang of different types of music, this will show that you are more interesting and will have a better chance of using your music. Look at other film that the director have done to find out his type of music choice and try to fit it with with what he wants and being different is never a bad thing.

7. Avoid music cliché
Avoid making your music sounding the same because you do not want people to think that it is just the same type of music through the film or films. This will bore and audience and you wont making any progress in your career.

8. Keep the director in the loop.
Keep your director in close contact you don't want to end up making a brilliant piece of music but with a different type of genre of what they director wanted.

9. Keep what format the director needs.
Make sure you make the music in the right formate for what the director needs or wants for example ADAT, DAT, eds, AIFF files or WAV files. What ever you do, do not make the files MP3!

Hans Zimmer intentions when making the sound track for Dark Night was "not just to make a summer block buster, truly provocative and people could truly hate"

The qualities that Hans Zimmer wanted.
1 To make it sound like razor blades of string.
2. Making it the minimum that he possible could and people still recognise it when they heard it.
3. Define a character in one not.

 I think the final peice works really was as, as he said the sound keeps drawing you in more and more just like the way that he joker does in the films and you defiantly can associate that sound with him and the way he is in the film.

Final Video P1

Friday, 28 February 2014

P1. Research into Recording Foley Sound and Sound Effects

Foley artist are the people that create the sound effect for the background music for example say there is someone on screen running down the road and you can hear foots steps, the footsteps are what foley artist creative to be used in that specific film sequence.

when creating foley sound, foley artist create the sounds while watching the film sequence that they are creating the sound for, they have various different equipment and items that they use. They near enough use anything they can get there hands on.

Foley is essential in making a film environment feel real, during the making of the fil the dialogue is the only thing that the microphone records. To become a foley artist first you must have a good imagination to your ear with the sounds you create are are able to recreate the sounds that you see in the film.

It is better to use real object rather than to create sound through digital production as it give it more of a realistic feel to it and it makes it more of a unique feel to it as if you used the same footage from the digatal productions then I would sound the same as if you used that footage at a different point and there could even be some legal implications to it as some people could have a copy right over 

After Effects - Anni super speed P1

 In After Effects I edited the sper speed SFX that Anni was in. I was going to put
 a mask around her to blur her out when she runs so it has more of an effects and doesn't look like the clip was just sped up but I done a small part of it and it wasn't as effective as I thought it would be. So instead I just sped up the clip and added the sound of footsteps to give it more of a realistic feel to it. I also cut the clip into 3 so it didn't look to amateur, like i've just thrown a sped up clip into the sequence. the first part of the clip was at normal speed then the second one was slowly getting faster to a super speed but as you could see her feet started to try a slow her down that is when I cut the clip so it looked like she was in control of her speed instead of the editor  I think this had a better effect by doing it this when being view by others.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Research into Recording Ambient Sounds and Dialogue P1

What is Ambient sound?

Ambient sound is an atmospheric sound and noise pollution, ambient sound is an the background sound that you either see a in a clip or that has been added to make it look like its come from that object or subject. For example is you see a door open and you hear a creaking door sond then that would be ambient sound either its been added in or is really the sound of the door. Some rough cuts don't have much or any ambient sound as they either havent had to to be added and was not caught of the camera mic, so after a rough cut the ambient sound is normally added after. This is a useful thing to do as you can mute out the sound of the camera mic if it isn't what you want and add the sounds that you want ad the end because if you use the camera mic sound then it woild be muffled either by with or other nosie pollution..

Adding ambient sound after you have recoded the scene is useful as if you don't add it as ambient sound it would over play or loop over dialogue or other sound that you do want in the shot/scene and if there the sound overlapped other sounds that you wanted then it will be very difficult if not impossible to take out and pull apart the sounds from each other.

In the creation of Hunger Games the programme that was most used in the pre production as a programme called Avid. Avid media composer is the most widely use NLE for profession films and film editing.

This is a Jungle scene from Hunger Games. In this scene you hear many different sounds all mist that are jungle related but ofcourse it was not recordered during the actually filming of the film, it was pre recorded in the forest or a junbgle and then added it, this is called ambient sound. But then again the advantage of recording on set is that you get real sound and in some accocians it give it a better feel and more realistic vibe, it also saves adding it in during the editing process which could argue saves time. Some director like to use ambient sounds so they can minipulate what you show the audience and what the audience sees but some directors like using actually sounds from the shooting to make it more real.

After Effects - Smoke effect P1

In after effect I edited the teleport SFX shot. In which i added smoke to create more of a effect to the audience as if it didn't have the smoke it wouldn't look real and wouldn't be effective to the viewer because you would be able to tell that all I done was cut the clip up. I got the smoke of Joules present and changed the size and colour of it so it it matched the character that is teleporting. I created the smoke and change it so it was more realistic and i done that by also making the smoke slow fade out and disappear instead of it suddenly being there then it suddenly disappears  which I think was done well and it very effective. 

Once I had finished with the editing in the After effects I places it in Premier Pro ready for it to be used but before I would do that I also added and "whoosh" sound which finished it off and ready to be used and viewed.

P1. Use of music - legal considerations

Creative commons is a non profitable organisation, whom which are devoted to build apon the creative work available for other to build upon and use in there own project legally.  

The reason Creative commons are set up to protect artist/ song writer, music compsers, film makers etc from their idea being stolen and ripped of by other artist. This allows the artist to have ownership over their own creation and if anyone used or used anything similar to their peice of work then the have the legal right to sue them and to get them to delete or discontinue the use of their peice of work. it respectively gives them the copyright to own their own work with legal enforcement. 

The reason I chose "Typically British-Annushka Sims" Is because of the beat and tempo of the background music as it works well with the scene that it is sued in. It helps to create more of a lively an interesting atmosphere. 

What is the difference between publishing rights and recording rights?
Publishing right: The people who own the lyric or the composition.

Master rights: Owns the song's sound recording. That means that if you want to use the song as you know it by the original artist, you must clear the Master Rights.

If you want to use a piece of music then you have to have the permission of the song owner and have evidence of it.

If the composer has died for over sixty years then the copy right would have expires and you would not need to seek permission to use it, but you will need to get clearance fromt he right holder.

Incidental music:

Piece of music that doesn't have much emphasis and it use in background of films to create a scene or mood.

There are several different types of music licenses, each license give access to the person who hold it; below are the different types.

Blanket License

Master use license

Machanical license

Performance license

Synchronisation license

Print license

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

P1. Music analysis - Submarine Clip 01

Music has many different roles in films, from building tension to changing the representation of a mood/ storyline.

Music also helps to structure the narrative and help tell the story at the same time it can trigger an emotional response to inform the audience how to feel and to give the audience an idea of the location that has been set.
Music is also used in "Character motif" which links with in characters so when that song/music is played you instantly think of that character, for example Jaws.

What helps you to establish each genre is music for example in horror film there will be a high pitch noise or a tension building sound to let you know of the event coming up. This is a very effective way of creating mood for the audience.

Submarine clip:

Purpose of the music to to help create a mellow and sain atmosphere even though there is some insain elements being spoken about in the clip. The scene are also abstract is the way that are not every day situation that happen, the music is also unusual because it is not the typical music you would accociate with those scences which give it a stand out feeling so that is it accociation with the music video because it is about a boy that stand out in his society.

The of the film is a very relaxed a low tempo due to the instrument used like violins, pianos and flutes its make the film come across as very orcastra. The filter over the filming is quite dull and makes it seem emotionless with setting of the filming.

Meaning: The meaning behind the music is to make it quite mellow and to give you audience a relaxed feeling when watching the clip, also is hides what is really behind the story. The music helps to set the mood and in a way confuse the audience into giving a different view of what the film will be like. It also give you more of a feeling of unsettlement which links with the main character.

After Effects - Green screen set up P1

The green screen was used to put the character in a background of a bedroom and he was sat on a bed, Why didn't I just take a picture of him in a room? Because 1. it wasn't very convenient to do this as there was no bedroom available at the time that I needed it and also i was able to make it look like he was floating over the bed which added to my visual SFX.
How to take the component out of its environment ready to be place in another background using green screen.
  1. Open After Effects and find the footage that you want to work with. (You need to make sure that the work is in the 'timeline'.) 
  2. Click on the video in the timeline panel to work with it in the composition panel. This way, the rotoscoping you perform will only affect this one layer. 
  3. You also need to make sure that the marker is positioned at the first frame of the clip. The magic wand is located on the top tool bar. It works very similarly to the quick selection tool in photoshop. 
  4. Use the mouse and move the magic wand around the object that you want to select. You should notice a pink outline forming around the object that you are trying to select. This means that you image is being automatically grabbed. 
  5. You need to make sure that you look over the frame very carefully to ensure that the entire subject is being grabbed, making sure that no pieces are being missed as this would make the footage look very ineffective. 
  6. You then need to tell magic wand what you don't want to cut out of the frame. To do this you hold down alt and paint across the background with the mouse.

Sound sourcing sheets P1

The dialogue sounds was seperately recorder my a seperate mic from the camera mic as it gave it a clearer sounds that will be easyier to cut an edit.
The added ambient sounds are from
We got the sounds of school bell for the beggingin of the sequence, also a sound of loads of people in a small place to give it a busy corridor feel to it and the last sounds we used from was of boys laughing as it was better then recordering it our self because it would not of worked as well as a professional recording.
The background sounds from Annuska sim is from her YouTube channel.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Appraisal rough cut P1

Special Effect

I am very proud of the special effect init the sequence, as they  look and sound good. They work well in the the sequence and makes sense but I found it very difficult to to make the tennis ball look legit as there was a lot of shots involved in that special effect. I had to redo that SFX twice because the first time didn't go right as I try to have a panning shot with the ball floating and it didn't look good as the ball was moving one way and the shot was moving another. So got some advice from Nick to change the way that it was layed out and to take out the panning shot. After I done that it improved it a lot and I was ready to move on to the next SFX. The other two effect was very easy to do as you didn't need a green screen or anything too complicated, such as the fast running SFX all you need to do is speed up the clip and with the teleport clip you just need one shot of the character in two different places and then add a smoke effect to finish the SFX off and too make it look more real.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Progress P1

Is this lesson I finished of the video sequence but still need to shoot one more shot and add sound effect  to the SFX and colour correct the framing shots.

Next lesson I will add sound effect and add transitions and framing effects to improve the visual part of the sequence.

Technical Errrors P1

When I put the shots together into the sequence  then realised that the shots did not make sense as there was a continuity error were one of the characters was facing the wrong way when they were talking to the character and also when we had to reshoot that shot because of that reason the reshot was a different colour to the other shots and did not look like it was shot at the same time.

Next time i'm going to make sure that we know what way the character has to be facing so that the continuity run much better and wont have to reshoot the shot and then  make it even harder to correct it.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Rough Cut peer feed back P1

Feed back from: Josh Vallely

Does it make narrative sense?
The first clip had no sound. But the second clip made sense and was easy.

Do the special effects fit well with the sequence? How coud it be improved? 
The special effects were really good, it suits very well with the scene. More focus on the ball, i noticed it becomes blury.

Is the dialogue engaging?
Yes, easy to follow. However, I didn't feel the actors mean it, so that didn't engage me much.

What do the sound FX, ambient sounds and music add?
There was no music nor sounds effect.

Is it entertaining? 
Quite, yes, I wanted to watch more.

What would you do to improve the sequence?
Add some music and finish the project.

Feed back from: Tom A

Does it make narrative sense?
Basic sense, can understand that they are talking about P.E. No idea about the conversation.

Do the special effects fit well with the sequence? How coud it be improved? 
Test effect at the beginning would work well in final peice. Ball stop worked well with the sequence featured.

Is the dialogue engaging?
Interesting dialogue fits we with scene. Some dialogue is said monotone so viewer could yet be fully engaged.

What do the sound FX, ambient sounds and music add?
Background nature noises work well to create scene and out into narrative. Ball sound effect made sense.

Is it entertaining? 
overall it is entertaining. There were lots of different shot types which made it diverse, special effect was entertaining.

What would you do to improve the sequence?
Include  more. Add special effect noise & ball throw.
More animated dialogue.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Rough copy P1

This is the rough cut of the final VFX sequence project.
The floating sequence at the begginning worked well but the audio has not yet been added to it so I will use that sequence in the final edit but will add the audio to it.

The tennis ball sequence worked well in the way that you can see what we are trying represent, which is a levatating tennis ball, levatated by the actor. The ball does not look very realistic enough as too much of an effect has been put on to it like the blurred which will be changed in the final so we will not be using the sequence completely. Also the actors are not convincing enough for the sequence although this does not really matter due to the sequence just representing the use of VFX but I will still be changing the actors to give the whole film a better look, more realistic feel to it.

The audio for the tennis ball sequence is not great at all as you can hear a fuzzy sound for the background noise through out, this is due to only using the camera mic and not a seperate mic. Using a seperate mic would ensure that you can hear the dialogue over the background sounds, the dialogue is not clear in this rough cut sequence either. I will need to reshoot that scene which adds to the reason why I want to use different actors.

The editing is not very good either as some shots have been colour corrected differently to other shots so the contiunity does not flow very well. Also as the tennis ball gets thrown around the shots are cut due to the dialogue and the tennis ball keeps jumping from different people so that is another bad point to the continuity. And the framing of some of the shots could of been done better and filled up the frame more, it does give it a diverse shot types but I think constant same pattern of shot types will look better.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Health and Safety when filming P1

When shooting the video is is important that you take health and safety into consideration  Standing on the picnic benches outside is dangerous as they do not take the weight especially during this time on the year they are not as strong as usual. Climbing on school roof to film from a high angle is not an option as it is very dangerous and could result in a serious injury. When working with camera equipment make sure that it is all put together safely and that the camera is connected to the tripod correctly to avoid it falling off and breaking.

When going out around the school filming make sure that you take a high vis jacket with you and a sign saying "filming in progress" to let other students and staff around the college know what you are doing.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014


Problem #1
If something bad happens to the equipment and we cant use them.
Make sure the equipment is available when you need them and make sure they are working.

Problem #2
Actors are not reliable enough.
Make sure the actors are available before you select them to be in the film. 

Problem #3
Using inexperienced actors.
Don't need experience actors just pick people who would take it seriously.

Problem #4
Doing the super strength effect on the film.
Look for tutorials before doing the effect. 

Problem #5
Not having all the preparation that we need.
Making sure all the shots list and paper work are up to date before we start filming.

Problem #6
The whole group is not up to date with each other.
Check each other blogs and see what each person is missing.

Problem #7
Doing the tennis ball effect.
Look for tutorials before performing it. 

Problem #8
Doing the floating effect.
Look at tutorials before performing.

Problem #9
Haven't yet decided who is doing the voice over. 
Decide who is doing it. 

Problem #10
Having bad weather.
Look on the news and weather before deciding when and where to film. 

Casting profile template P1

Actors Name - 
Telephone Number -
Email Address -
Parent/Carer Name -
Parent/Carer Telephone Number -
Parent/Carer Email Address -
Date Of Birth -
Hair Colour -
Eye Colour -
Height -
Weight -

Previous Acting Experience -
Special Skills/Relevant Info -
Name Of Character -
Wardrobe Items -

Casting P1

We have four main characters in our short sequence, they are all teenage boys. We then have extras in the some of the shots.

Shots 1- Sam
Shot 2 - People walking p and down the corridor.
Shot 3 - Six girls
Shot 4 - Four teenage boys
Shot 5 - Four nerds
Shot 6 - Three main characters

Sam- average looking 17 year old boy with fair hair.

Girl 1 - Anni
Girl 2 - Amy-Jo
Girl 3 - Lauren Taylor
Girl 4 - Scarlett
Alternate - Phoebe Ireland         -AUDITIONS
All the fit the description as they all take care int he way that they look and their dress sense.

All the boys in the scene need to act really self-centred, no cares, very chilled out. All boys fit the part quite well.
Boy 1 - Matt Tomlins
Boy 2 - Sam Dix
Boy 3 - Tyler Thurston
Boy 4 - Hugh Brynt

Nerd 1- Casper
Nerd 2 - Edwyn
Nerd 3 - Anni
Nerd 4 -

Scott - Josh (Stephens friend)
Max - Luke
Scott - Stephen